Bow Ties Sydney, Australia - Le Noeud Papillon - Specialists In Self Tying Bow Ties

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Making Standard Names For Bow Tie Shapes

One of the problems that consumers face when purchasing bow ties is that there is not one strict name for each style and it is not always possible to differentiate between them once they are tied. This is an excerpt from the Wall Street Journal on bow ties, an article by William Lyons; it does a pretty good job of showing the different styles of cuts. However, the best way to tell is to lay the bow out length ways untied.


  1. Would you consider having photos of your bows laid out as an addition picture in the online store?

  2. Noted. I will work on this. Thank you for the tip.

  3. Can you please tell me where I can find the handlebar style bow tie? I've searched all over the Internet, but can't seem to get any information about whether the handlebar style is achieved through tying or if it is a particular way the tie is cut. Could there be an alternate name for it? I love this particular style. Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.

    Jon Rodgers
