Right now a jacquard loom like the one below is currently working very hard to produce our next range of silks. We thought we might let you know what is in 'vogue' for us a Le Noeud Papillon. Apart from our usual mogadors, satins, saglias and repps silks we will also be experimenting with a heavier styled natte silk this season. One of the new mills that we have begun working with is a specialist in natte. So, stick around and in September we will issue our new silks out and await to hear your feedback.
An operational jacquard loom weaving a silk. These machines will break over August and then begin work again in September |
Natte silks like these are not as common as other silks such as satins. Although they can be known to fray, they give a unique matte finish to a silk rather than the usual satin sheen. |
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