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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

How To Prune And Maintain Your Bow Tie To Remove Loose Strands Of Silk - Works For Ties Too

At a function recently I spotted a customer of mine wearing a beautiful bow tie of ours but it was frayed and look dog-eared. I almost jumped over two pews to get to him and say "this is not on" but it was not his fault - how should he know how to prune and maintain his bow tie?

The worst offenders of silks are of course the polka dot variety. Any time you lance silk during the weaving process, such as you do with polka dots, you are bound to get frays happening. A buyer from David Jones once started pulling at my polka dots in front of me and saying "I need to test your silk because the inferior Chinese stuff frays". I'm afraid it doesn't matter what mill you use, if it's woven silk, the polka dots will fray. Only printed polka dots on silk twills will not fray.

Looking after your bow tie is it's own art form. You need to have the right two tools - a pair of finger scissors and a bic lighter. Then you need to patiently prune off with the finger scissors what you can and with the remaining loose strands of silk you need to run that bic lighter close to singe the hairs, but not too close that you will burn the cloth. So, for all those I have not yet had the pleasure of educating personally I made up this short video.

I hope you enjoy it and pass it on. Nobody wants to stand in church next to a chap with a dog eared bow tie.

Next week I will show you how I press the bow once it's been clipped.

By the way, if you need finger scissors -

Two simple tools, finger scissors and a regular bic lighter.


  1. Just finished one of my favorite diamondpointbowties. The technique worked great. Thank you for such a practical sartorial trick of the trade.

  2. You are most welcome. I am glad of be of service to bow tie wearers!
