Our client was a barrister with chambers in the MLC building, Sydney. The client briefed us succinctly 'I bought this shirt that I am wearing because the collar fits, but it looks like a sack of potatoes. Can you do it better?'. The following shirts are the outcome. And we hope he is happy. Our prices start from $245.00 although we occasionally run discounts on selected fabric lengths.
Bow Ties Sydney, Australia - Le Noeud Papillon - Specialists In Self Tying Bow Ties
To see the latest products we are working on, visit our online store on www.lenoeudpapillon.com
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Friday, April 29, 2011
Thank You To The 45,000th Person Who Just Visited
Thank you to the 45 thousandth person that just visited the blog moments ago. It has been an enjoyable journey documenting the progress of Le Noeud Papillon - from designs to influences and my own research into silk fabrics and other textiles. I hope that some of that work has paid off and that any of you out there in that strange world of data that is buzzing around, somehow read this message, and are wearing a bow tie or shirt of LNP's, can stop, take a picture and email it in to bow@lenoeudpapillon.com . Sincerely, thank you.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Here He Is Again... This Time It's You Know Who
Great look, leave the bow at home and just take out the dinner scarf with your peaked lapel. Ay, it must be hard to be Tom Ford, always looking this good must have be taxing on your daily routine.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Le Noeud Papillon Sponsors The Mother's Day Polo At Windsor
Le Noeud Papillon is sponsoring the Mother's Day Polo Tournament at Kurri Burri Polo Stud in Windsor/Richmond. If you have nothing planned, head out for what will be a great day, raising money for a good cause (http://inala.org.au)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
James Andrew Of 'What Is James Wearing' Blog
I think this is terrific, okay, I couldn't pull it off, but it is really a segue from traditional Protestant pious black tie back to the days when Kings and courtiers wore bright and shiny dress like feathered peacocks.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Ooh La La! - Tumblr Gets Very Heated
A guy in a video store told me about http://ella9.tumblr.com/ Tumblr and the number of blogs that were posting and re-posting nude artistic photography. I went and had a look and I think it's fantastic. Some of it is porn, but the vast majority of it seems to be artistic nudes.
Probably The Greatest Mont Blanc Writer's Edition Pen Around
Although I only buy the ballpoints - because I am left handed and I smudge the page with fountain pens - I think the Mont Blanc Writer's Editions pens are the best pens I have ever owned. I now have about a half a dozen in my collection and of them all, I value most the F Scott Fitzgerald and I never grow tired of looking at it.
On a side note, I heard last year whilst in a cafe in Paris (Bar Du Marche), that the 2011 pen will be dedicated to Leo Tolstoy with permission granted by Countess Tolstoy. I would be very interested to hear whether this was actually going to come to fruition. It would be a dream come true.
Here is the website for Mont Blanc Limited Editions : http://www.montblanc.com/products/30.php
Parisian Nights Bow Tie - Le Noeud Papillon
And yes, there are prescription lenses in my glasses! You may call George Skoufis Optometrist - Sydney - to verify on +612 9360 7487. He is a great optometrist and he stocks the Graz KMC's which I am wearing. Admittedly, they were originally sunglasses, not spectacles.
Paris, I Dream Of You
To my three bicycles, Cappucines, Hans and Clementine, I hope you are safe and healthy and I shall see you soon if Thomas hasn't left you on the street to be stolen.
He Does Dress Very Well - Bryan Ferry
I was speaking to a local cafe owner in Randwick, Sydney, who went to a Bryan Ferry concert in Newcastle, NSW, Australia. She told me that the crowd was rather feral and it amused me that such a dapper dresser as Bryan Ferry should soar like an eagle whilst surrounded by turkeys... I often think about mega rock stars and how they must feel when their fan base is no longer young, cool and fresh.... when your fans turn up in Honda Odysseys with snotty nosed children or pimple faced adolescents - when husbands wear the clothes their wives laid out for them!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Happy Greek Easter And Don't Forget Your Prayers!
Δεῦτε λάβετε φῶς,
ἐκ τοῦ ἀνεσπέρου φωτός,
καί δοξάσατε Χριστόν,
τόν ἀναστάντα ἐκ νεκρῶν.
Théfte lávete fos,
ek tou anespérou fotós,
ke thoxásate Hristón,
ton anastánta ek nekrón.
Come, receive light
from the never setting light,
and glorify Christ,
who rose from the dead.
Χριστός ἀνέστη ἐκ νεκρῶν,
θανάτῳ θάνατον πατήσας,
καί τοῖς ἐν τοῖς μνήμασι
ζωήν χαρισάμενος.
Hristós anésti ek nekrón,
thanáto thánaton patísas,
ke tis en tis mnímasi
zoín harisámenos.
Christ is risen from the dead,
by death trampling on death,
and to those in the tombs
granting life.
Χριστός ἀνέστη!
Ἀληθῶς ἀνέστη!
Hristós anésti!
Alithós anésti!
Christ is Risen!
Truly He is Risen!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Le Noeud Papillon Customers Send In A Wedding Photo
This is Matt and Hugh, they are wearing a 'Vote For Pedro' and an 'Owen' respectively. The bow on the right is one of the first I ever made. Great to see it in action. The Vote For Pedro is still in stock at www.lenoeudpapillon.com
A Suitable Wardrobe Interview With Alan Flusser
Alan Flusser, who wrote 'Dressing The Man' is interviewed here by Will Boehlke of 'A Suitable Wardrobe'. It is an 8 minute phone conversation and very worthwhile listening.
QUOTE ASW: 'Flusser is probably the most knowledgeable man I know on the subject of menswear. He is the author of Dressing the Man, the 2002 reference that is probably the definitive American book on classic men’s clothing, He is also proprietor of the Alan Flusser Custom Shop in New York City and a permanent member of the International Best Dressed List Hall of Fame'
QUOTE ASW: 'Flusser is probably the most knowledgeable man I know on the subject of menswear. He is the author of Dressing the Man, the 2002 reference that is probably the definitive American book on classic men’s clothing, He is also proprietor of the Alan Flusser Custom Shop in New York City and a permanent member of the International Best Dressed List Hall of Fame'
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Charvet Now Available Online At Mr. Porter
I had mixed feelings when I saw that Charvet was online at Mr. Porter (http://www.mrporter.com/Shop/Designers/Charvet) . I was happy that I could now order some of my favourite pochettes- yes, I wear other people's brands - and yet I was sad to think that the exclusivity of having to walk into the store opposite the Ritz at 28, place Vendôme in Paris was now gone.
(Shirt Maker In Paris Since 1838)
Téléphone: +33142603070
Télécopie : +33142962707
Email : info@charvet.com
Buy it here: Why is a Charvet Pocket Square So Good? The answer is that they use corrosive printing or 'Ronjan' printing (could be misspelt because I heard it from an Italian's mouth) - which is a technique where the ink sinks right through to the other side. Other forms of printing on silk leave a ghosting effect on the underside. There is a lot less ghosting on the Charvet pochette. I actually think at 46 pounds on the Mr Porter website that this is a steal. The other thing to note is that the hem is roll stitched by hand - or at least, the finish feels like it is hand roll stitched.
Read up on Charvet here on Wikipedia
A Quote From The Novel Brideshead Revisited
“Sebastian entered — dove-grey flannel, white crepe-de-Chine shirt, a Charvet tie, my tie as it happened, a pattern of postage stamps.”
Read up on Charvet here on Wikipedia
A Quote From The Novel Brideshead Revisited
“Sebastian entered — dove-grey flannel, white crepe-de-Chine shirt, a Charvet tie, my tie as it happened, a pattern of postage stamps.”
This Is Pretty Cool
Someone in Brazil made a collage of my entire bow tie collection about 6 months ago. Just stumbled upon it now.
Spelling And Grammar
Have really gone down hill since blogging began and I am a victim of the lazy quick add. We are working on improving our spelling and grammar.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Asking A Girl Out
This is how I once asked a girl out on Blackberry Messenger, back when anyone who was anyone was still on Blackberry, before the mass exodus to ifag. She didn't take me up on the offer but I am glad I was a little unorthodox.
Maybe I Need To Be More Self-conscious
This is what happens when you eat too much, dance like nobody's watching and drink excessive gout-inclined alcohol. Let this be a lesson to all you fashionistas out there, this man has fallen off his horse.... Don't let yourself go....
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Tutto Fatto Mano - Made By Hand - A Blog For Tailoring Enthusiasts
This blog is a fantastic resource for tailors and those who follow the work of tailors. If you are a suit enthusiast and you want to know the difference between Brioni and Francesco Smalto or Rubinacci - then this is the kind of blog you would follow. It is quite extraordinary how much of a passion some people have for the art of making fine clothes.
Swept Away - 1974 - The Raw Animal Spirit And Sexuality
I cherish this film, if not only for the wonderful images of both his and her expressive green eyes. There is no other film for me that better shows the animal relationship between a man and a woman - that raw energy that defines each sex. This film resonates with my more primal spirit and I love the stark contrast between the earthliness of Gennarino Carunchio and the refined northern Italian husband of Rafaella Lanzetti, who seems to be onto the affair as soon as they re-board the ship home. I hope to come back to this film again and again. Buy it here: http://www.amazon.com/Swept-Away-Giancarlo-Giannini/dp/1572521767
Saturday, April 16, 2011
More From Sheria Ngowi....
Sheria is currently constructing a website but he is currently serving a bespoke market in India. You can contact him directly on his blog below if you are interested in his latest designs. This current collection is called 'The Year Of The Gentleman'
Sheria Ngowi Uses Le Noeud Papillon Bow Ties In His Latest Fashion Shoot
I think this is an awesome fun play on a white tuxedo jacket. You can check out what he's doing here: http://sherianamavazi.blogspot.com/
Sheria On The Collection: ''So a gentleman is someone who's polite, intelligent, talented, modest, well dressed, well groomed, and culturally aware''
FEATURED BOWS: 'Churchill' and 'Chuck' bows - available on www.lenoeudpapillon.com
FEATURED BOWS: 'Churchill' and 'Chuck' bows - available on www.lenoeudpapillon.com
Friday, April 15, 2011
Found Him On The Malcolm
Test User • 05.05.2009 • ONE ON ONE

With his front-row presence at all the major worldwide fashion shows, Angelo Flaccavento’s signature glasses and bow-tie can be spotted from a mile away. As an independent fashion writer who is based in Italy, Flaccavento contributes to a roster of Italian (as well as international) publications. Holding court as the fashion features editor at The End magazine, and regularly contributing to such praised publications as L’Uomo Vogue and Fantastic Man, as well as famed Luxury24 - Flaccavento and I sat down and I had the chance to get to know the man behind the bow-tie and glasses.
Name: Angelo Flaccavento
Occupation: Writer, Curator, Pornographer
Location: Italy
Occupation: Writer, Curator, Pornographer
Location: Italy
What trends have you been noticing on the men’s fashion runways?
Trends are over, I believe. Better, I’d vote for the adjective trendy to be removed from the fashion vocabulary for good.
I think one of the main pluses of today’s fashion is multiplicity. Not as in anything goes, though. Not at all. Right now, it’s more like many different things co—habit at the same time, inviting the final customer to personal interpretation. The truth, more than ever before, firmly lays in the eye of the beholder.
This said, at the recent round of men’s shows I noticed something very strict in the air, at times even menacing so. Something militaristic and monastic. I’m all for priest chic right now.
Otherwise, it’s full-blown, mind-blowing cabaret.
Trends are over, I believe. Better, I’d vote for the adjective trendy to be removed from the fashion vocabulary for good.
I think one of the main pluses of today’s fashion is multiplicity. Not as in anything goes, though. Not at all. Right now, it’s more like many different things co—habit at the same time, inviting the final customer to personal interpretation. The truth, more than ever before, firmly lays in the eye of the beholder.
This said, at the recent round of men’s shows I noticed something very strict in the air, at times even menacing so. Something militaristic and monastic. I’m all for priest chic right now.
Otherwise, it’s full-blown, mind-blowing cabaret.
What was your favorite show from the Paris schedule? Why?
Actually, they were many. Raf Simons for his abstract take on classicism. Rick Owens for its pureness and strength, and for the exquisite street casting. Number (N)ine for the intense labor on each silhouette, and the sheer love of complicated texture and intricate detailing that oozed from every single piece. Comme des Garcons because it was oddly funny.
Actually, they were many. Raf Simons for his abstract take on classicism. Rick Owens for its pureness and strength, and for the exquisite street casting. Number (N)ine for the intense labor on each silhouette, and the sheer love of complicated texture and intricate detailing that oozed from every single piece. Comme des Garcons because it was oddly funny.
Did you always see a career in Fashion for yourself? How did you get involved in the industry?
With relatives involved in hi-end fashion retail, I got hooked up on fashion early on: as a kid actually. I was very exposed to magazines and clothes, so it happened very naturally for me. I always saw my future in fashion, but in the beginning it was more that I wanted to be a designer. Thank god I didn’t become one!
At one point I diverted to art, and even studied art history at university, but later in my 20s fashion called again. At that point I was more into writing, so I had a try as a journalist. It all happened by pure chance. I was in Paris, and rang the Dutch (r.i.p.) offices asking for an appointment. The fantastic Rebecca Voight, who was the editor in chief, said “yes, pass by”. I proposed a couple of stories, which she liked. That was the beginning of it all. Nine years later, I’m still around, writing.
With relatives involved in hi-end fashion retail, I got hooked up on fashion early on: as a kid actually. I was very exposed to magazines and clothes, so it happened very naturally for me. I always saw my future in fashion, but in the beginning it was more that I wanted to be a designer. Thank god I didn’t become one!
At one point I diverted to art, and even studied art history at university, but later in my 20s fashion called again. At that point I was more into writing, so I had a try as a journalist. It all happened by pure chance. I was in Paris, and rang the Dutch (r.i.p.) offices asking for an appointment. The fantastic Rebecca Voight, who was the editor in chief, said “yes, pass by”. I proposed a couple of stories, which she liked. That was the beginning of it all. Nine years later, I’m still around, writing.
How would you describe what you do?
I turn images into words. I like to always add an element of dream and emotions to my texts, and to stimulate the readers by leaving a door open to further interpretation. I like to put fashion in a wider context of references, too. Fashion is so much more than just clothes. Clothing both reflects and influences what’s happening in society, like convective currents.
I turn images into words. I like to always add an element of dream and emotions to my texts, and to stimulate the readers by leaving a door open to further interpretation. I like to put fashion in a wider context of references, too. Fashion is so much more than just clothes. Clothing both reflects and influences what’s happening in society, like convective currents.
How would you describe your sense of style?
You mean my own personal style? Paradoxically classic. Unruly but full of rules. In the end, crazily disciplined.
You mean my own personal style? Paradoxically classic. Unruly but full of rules. In the end, crazily disciplined.
What is it about the business of fashion editorial that you find so compelling?
Constant change is what I really like about fashion: it forces you to evolve and reconsider your positions all the time, and this for me is really stimulating, conceptually and factually.
Constant change is what I really like about fashion: it forces you to evolve and reconsider your positions all the time, and this for me is really stimulating, conceptually and factually.
What new menswear designers are currently on your radar?
There are many designers on my radar, new and not so new. I like what Patrik Ervell is doing. I like Mjolk and Damir Doma. I like Julius and, to a certain extent, Romain Kremer. I find the up-and-coming Umit Benan truly smashing.
There are many designers on my radar, new and not so new. I like what Patrik Ervell is doing. I like Mjolk and Damir Doma. I like Julius and, to a certain extent, Romain Kremer. I find the up-and-coming Umit Benan truly smashing.
Last year, you were working on a collection of drawings titled “Sex Clowns”. What inspired that moment in time?
Sheer horniness, I’d say, and that brilliant Walter van Beirendonck collection with the same title. I put my love for stocky hairy bodies, frills and general esthetic mayhem into them, and it banged. It was an orgy: I was drawing really frantically. Nothing lasts, so now it’s over, but I’m not sad.
Sheer horniness, I’d say, and that brilliant Walter van Beirendonck collection with the same title. I put my love for stocky hairy bodies, frills and general esthetic mayhem into them, and it banged. It was an orgy: I was drawing really frantically. Nothing lasts, so now it’s over, but I’m not sad.
Are you currently creating any other art forms?
No, right now I’m one of those chaotic phases leading from one stage of development to the next. It’s a lot more annoying for me than it sounds, but I can cope with it.
No, right now I’m one of those chaotic phases leading from one stage of development to the next. It’s a lot more annoying for me than it sounds, but I can cope with it.
What is one place you want to travel to but haven’t been to yet?
The Far East attracts me a lot. I’m fond of Japonisme, and would love to visit Tokyo, both for its traditional angles and the crazy, contemporary street culture. I’d like to go to India, too: those colors and odors must be really something.
The Far East attracts me a lot. I’m fond of Japonisme, and would love to visit Tokyo, both for its traditional angles and the crazy, contemporary street culture. I’d like to go to India, too: those colors and odors must be really something.
On a day off - my favorite things to do are…..?
Walking, walking, walking. And then drawing and reading. And of course rummaging through piles of clothes wherever I can. The crappier the place, the happier I am when I find something.
Walking, walking, walking. And then drawing and reading. And of course rummaging through piles of clothes wherever I can. The crappier the place, the happier I am when I find something.
In 20 years, I see myself…..?
Hopefully, wiser. Or maybe not. With white hair and a longer beard for sure.
Hopefully, wiser. Or maybe not. With white hair and a longer beard for sure.
Once the Fashion Week circuit is complete - You can find me……?
Still traveling. The fashion week circuit, nowadays, never stops.
Still traveling. The fashion week circuit, nowadays, never stops.
If you could have dinner with three people (living or dead) - who would they be and why?
Aubrey Beardsley, because he was a true dandy, and because I love the naughty elegance of his India ink drawings. Marcel Duchamp, because I would like to get a glimpse of his fervent, quixotic mind. Rei Kawakubo, the most radical and inspiring of all designers, because she seems like a silent force, and I like silent people. And I’d love to have Francesco Clemente over if a fourth guest were allowed, because we share a fondness for handmade paper.
Aubrey Beardsley, because he was a true dandy, and because I love the naughty elegance of his India ink drawings. Marcel Duchamp, because I would like to get a glimpse of his fervent, quixotic mind. Rei Kawakubo, the most radical and inspiring of all designers, because she seems like a silent force, and I like silent people. And I’d love to have Francesco Clemente over if a fourth guest were allowed, because we share a fondness for handmade paper.
In my closet, you will find……?
Skeletons, together with a million white shirts, and a ton of bow ties.
Skeletons, together with a million white shirts, and a ton of bow ties.
(Images from The Sartorialist)
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Greatest Italian Film Director Alive Today... In My Opinion
There is only one Guiseppe Tornatore. And I just finished watching Baaria and it was another beautiful film in the career of this great story teller.
From Wikipedia:
Born in Bagheria near Palermo, Tornatore developed an interest in acting and the theatre from at least the age of 16 and put on works by Luigi Pirandello and Eduardo De Filippo.
He worked initially as a freelance photographer. Then, switching to cinema, he made his debut with Le minoranze etniche in Sicilia (The Ethnic Minorities in Sicily), a collaborative documentary which won a Salerno Festival prize. He then worked for RAI before releasing his first full-length film, Il Camorrista, in 1985. This evoked a positive response from audience and critics alike and Tornatore was awarded the Silver Ribbon for best new director.
Tornatore's best known screen work was released in 1988: Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, a film narrating the life of a successful film director who has returned to his native town in Sicily for the funeral of an old friend. This obtained worldwide success and won an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. Subsequently Tornatore released several other films cementing his place in film history.
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