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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Scarf Knots For Evening Wear

Many men choose to wear an evening scarf merely by draping it around their neck. The finer evening scarves made of satin silks are ideal for this kind of draping but they tend to be slippery suckers that fall off your neck and often, as it has happened to me, you can find your most treasured evening scarf sitting in a puddle of water at your feet because you made two sudden moves to get out of the rain but the scarf could not keep up.

Evening scarves are a dying art form and it's on a very rare occasion that you will see a man invest in one. The ones that do exist, if they are made well, should cost a pretty penny. Ours, which we don't put on the website mainly because nobody seems to purchase them, are hand-made in Italy. Having just dressed the window I did some research on knots because I felt that the evening scarf, if merely draped around the neck, tended to take away the aesthetic value of the cut of your tuxedo or smoking jacket.

The search for a good knot for my evening scarf lead me to a place I have mixed feelings about. The Gentleman's Gazette is a blog written by a man called Sven Raphael Schneider. The German name schneider, by the way, means tailor (from the verb schneiden "to cut"), so it's not a bad name to have if you're setting out to write a menswear and style blog . The Gentleman's Gazette is an interesting blog - I must take my hat off to him. Schneider writes on unique topics and does a great deal for the advancement of menswear in terms of enlightening men on how to dress well, though slightly skewed towards Old World style. Sadly, however, something seems to make me recoil about this chap despite his knowledge and willingness to share it. I have never quite put my finger on it but regardless of whatever that feeling that he evokes in me is, I must admit that, grammatical and translation issues aside, he keeps a great menswear blog. And, I am grateful for the scarf knot below which I think is excellent for allowing you to look chic in the evening but which will ensure your scarf doesn't slip off your neck and into that said puddle, or dance floor, or the back of the taxi, or, as also once happened to me, in the middle of a country road where a lovely neighbour hung it on a tree for me to find the next day.

The two knots I recommend from the video below are:

1: The knot - as pictured below
2: The count - see video.

Considering we are coming into Autumn and that it's still rather cold up in the North, it might be advantageous to brush up on your scarf knots regardless.

Le Noeud Papillon smoking jacket with black satin silk shawl and turned back cuff, black evening scarf and Donald shape bow tie - all available from or by appointment with our Studio.

And, if you are looking for a nice scarf - here are three selections:

1. Henry Carter Neckwear 
2. Gentleman's Gazette
3. Le Noeud Papillon

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