Dear patrons,
2010 will be a good year for bow ties, between Chuck Bass, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, The Sartorialist, Albert Elbaz, Karl Largefeld and Tom Ford, the bow tie is b b b back.
Currently I am working on sourcing silks directly from Como in Italy but I will still be pushing for production in Australia. There are fewer and fewer things made here and we always push production to China, so I am going against the grain, because the company is small and intends to stay small for the time being, by keeping production right here in Sydney.
The bows have been received well all over. In London I received an email from a customer who bought the Gatsby saying the quality of the workmanship and the silks themselves was far better than anything he could source in his native country. From NYC I have received half a dozen emails from customers who were happy and enthusiatic about the product.
This year I am attempting to move into shirts as well but this will take some time to develop. To all those who own one of my bows, thank you! To all those who intend to purchase one, don't be afraid to learn how to tie your own. Once you get the hang of it, it's like tying your shoes. Only you will be much much more proud.
The Sydney summer has been rather temperamental but hopefully the weather will be better in February, just in time for my new seersucker range of bows.
Please stay in touch with the website, for as soon as I have stock, I will post them to the website first. For all those of you who are friends on facebook, there is a limited time only 20% reduction on all bows until stocks last.
Best wishes,