Bow Ties Sydney, Australia - Le Noeud Papillon - Specialists In Self Tying Bow Ties

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Monday, July 6, 2015

Diamond Point Versus Modified Butterfly Shape Bow Ties - Le Noeud Papillon Of Sydney's Two Most Popular Shapes

Charvet of Paris runs predominantly one shape of bow tie, a traditional batwing at about 6.5cm width. I am sure they are very happy with it because Charvet are never short of fans of their bow ties. We seem to have developed a good customer base off our modified butterfly shape which has become our house signature (although I am wary of referring to us as a house given we've been around so few years comparatively). Our modified butterfly shape is 6.5cm with a curved underside and straight edge or batwing top line. This gives drape on the underside of the bow tie with a straighter line finish up top. It also encourages a certain twist in the centre knot. Lately, however, as I've mentioned in earlier posts, I am finding myself equally at home in diamond points - left. Our diamond points are approximately 5.9cm wide, so they are slightly narrower and easier to tie. But, beyond all this, they are a change in tempo. It's almost inexplicable, but you almost take on a different persona when you move from one shape to another. To anyone that doesn't wear bow ties this must sound ridiculous, but perhaps to those that do you will know I am making a valid point.

So what are you today, a diamond point or a modified butterfly? 

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